Make a Water Fountain using a Copper Fire Pit

Every Flower grouping has to have a Fountain

Fountains, I love fountains and make my own. I bought all kinds of interesting flower pots and made fountains with them. 
This one, I used an old "Home Interiors" bird bath, I've had for years.  The bird bath had a bowl, so I set the tiny pump between two flat rocks, down in the bowl. set the flower pot on the flat rocks and ran the pump hose into the flower pot. To hold the fountain hose  in place and keep water from leaking back out the hole I used "plumber's putty". I have used floral putty and it works, but it's a little sticky.
 Plumber's putty comes in a small can and  can  be purchased  Lowe's or Home Depot, in the Plumbing Dept.  Once the the flower pot was in place and level, I covered the flat rocks and pump with river stones.  Any questions leave a comment.

Keep your fountain clean by using Hydrogen Peroxide 
Pour one cup of peroxide into your fountain once a week.
Depending on the size portions and how often may vary
(this tip came from Pinterest. No Blog or web page, just a pic w/instructions.) Wish I could give credit where credit is due.

I made a fountain, using the old copper fire pit we had, last year and enjoyed it all Summer, here is this year's fountain.

I used large flat rocks from around the yard to build a pit to place the pump. The large rock, I also had in the yard. 
1)   Buy a fountain pump. ( I use the small table-top size.) Amazon sells them as does many other web sites. Google; table top fountain pumps.

2)  To drill the hole in the rock a 12" , 3/8" masonry bit was used.
3)  I used clear tubing ( you can get at Lowe's, Home Depot or Walmart). I used what fit on my pump and up through the rock, about a 11" piece.  
4)  I used river rocks as a filler and stabilizer  for the flat rocks as the bottom of the fire pit is round.
5) At night I throw in one of those little "floral" under water &  battery operated lights..........really pretty. 

I'll be happy to answer any questions & help you get your fountain going. I'll post this on Pinterest so let me know if I can be of any help.