Turning old watches into keepsakes

Such a wonderful Keepsake to make

I saw .this on Pinterest, but it was only a picture, no instructions.

This is the watch I'm going to demonstrate

 It's a bit on the gaudy side, so I might redo this one.

Here's what you'll need.
A small pair wire cutters
Super glue gel
A knife, or something flat to pry the back and insides out
 A good pair of tweezers.
 Small piece of cotton and cereal box-like cardboard.

Take the  back off.

Use your small wire cutter / pliers and pull the stem out. PUT IT SOMEWHERE SAFE, we'll be putting it back on.
Take all the watch works out. With q-tips and alcohol clean the inside and outside of the watch face.

Find the photograph you want to use. I don't recommend using the original, especially if it has sentimental value.
Copy your photo. This was the hard step for me, figuring out how reduce the picture size  small enough to make it  fit the watch face. If you're better  than I am at reducing and enlarging photos, you have it made.
I made all of mine look old sepa tone. I just like that look.

This  photo/watch of my Son and Granddaughter on her wedding day,  I did use one of my favorite iPad apps. and left the color in the flowers. I really like this effect.
The one on the right is of my parents. Such a special way to display and wear their photo.

After you've reduced your photo small enough, print it.
 Before you start any cutting lay the watch over the photo and check that it's the size you need to show through the watch crystal. 
The crystal magnifies the photo and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how good it looks.
 If the photo  it is the right size, take the back and lay over the photo, placing it over the part of the photo you want to be in the face. I put the back and picture in my left hand and just cut around the back. See if it fits into the face. Trim tiny shreds off until it fits in the face snug..
Now cut your cardboard the size of the photo or smaller, this does not have to be exact.
Place a tiny piece of cotton over the  photo, then the cardboard. Your now going to place the back on. Be sure to snap in good. I really prefer using that foam sheeting used for packing, but Jime, my Goldie found mine....

With back in place it's time to deal with the stem.
Use the small wire cutters and cut off as much of the stem as you can. As not to loose this tiny little part when it pops into, position the cutters on the stem, holding your hand cupped around it, snip.
Now on the watch body where the stem was, put a tiny dot of the Super glue gel. With the tweezers pick up the stem head and insert the stem back into the hole it came out of.

This is  really an old picture of my Brother and me, one 
of my favorites
 It was an old Polaroid picture and the quality wasn't very good plus add 35  years to that 
 I was really pleased with how it looks.

 I amaze myself that simplicity can make me so happy

This watch was from a long, long time ago and this is my Son and Daughter when they were little. I'll make a braided band out something of theirs.  

From a friend  AliciaLisa Moyer
She made these lovely ones......she is so crafty !


  1. I order photos from Walgreens. Included is a page with tiny copies of my photos. These are usually just the correct size for my watches.

  2. Thank you Judy.
    That's very helpful. Years ago when I would have digital photos printed Walmart would add thumbprints. I wonder if they do too ?
    Would love to see your watches. Aren't they treasures ?
