The Allium Journal

It turns out they are from the onion family

I found the bulbs last Fall. I purchased two sizes. The Gladiator ( large) and a smaller variety. Planted the bulbs in October.
They  peeped out of the ground early March and Just fully bloomed yesterday May 9.
I've planted and  loved  many flowers through the years due to my passion for  my obsession, but I've never seen a flower/bulb as interesting to watch grow. MINE, and I assume they all, did a dance everyday to survive. In the photo below you can see my documentation of the dance.

They did this everyday, even on cloudy days, until they bloomed. Perhaps I'm too easily amused but I enjoyed watching them mature. I came to the conclusion, they had to do this dance everyday to strengthen their stem to be able to  support the huge ball of tiny flowers.
The plant is very hardy. Our Spring here in Southern Missouri has been really cold with a couple of snowstorms thrown in and the only damage has been minor discoloration to the   foliage . on the dragonfly . this Blog tells you how to. grow Allium from seed

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