Old Printable s the Madeline's Treasures Series

This series of graphics is old paper dolls and valentines.
Many years ago, a very dear friend was moving into a smaller home. She was and had been an avid collector of antiques for years.
I was helping her pack  all the many
collectibles as she was selling them at an auction house
She tossed me a paper bag and asked, " do you play with paper dolls"...."take these".
Shortly after that I found myself moving so the paper bag was placed with my keepsakes and boxed.
Last year I was going through the boxes and ran across the paper bag. This series will be the treasures that were in the paper bag.

I hope you enjoy them with the realization they are from news papers and cereal boxes from the 1930's

This cute little Valentine, I call Gladys.
on the back it reads To Ruth From Gladys

This cute little guy I call Petie, once again a graphic that
reminds me of those Little Rascals

This is Sweet Bear, he has an arm missing but 
that just intensifies my love for him

Best Wishes in Yellow

The Virginia Valentine

I call this cute little valentine Sweet Remembrance
There's just something so appealing about
the colors and characters of  the 
really old graphics

This handsome little paper doll only had this
cute little Robin Hood shirt with him.
He's my favorite of the paper dolls. I loved the Little Rascals
and he reminds me of those timeless shows.

This is Cutie Pie Patricia

This little valentine I'm calling LaCarte

 This little Elephant was probably cut from
a cereal box.....isn't he adorable....it's Ruth's Elephant.
I can vision myself playing with this little Elephant and pretending
I was playing circus. 

This pretty lady with her horn of plenty filled with hearts and roses, I'm going to call her Madeline.
She is a colorful valentine.
I've given her some different looks for your use.

This one I'll call Sweetie Pie .
Gosh, I wish she had some clothes to wear. I suspect they
were adorable.

This little paper doll didn't have a name.
I choose to call her Charlotte. She was just too cute not to share 
with my paper doll fans.

Since I'm sharing these paper dolls with you,
I thought you might like a little history on

The Original Paper Doll Artists Guild

I have designed several sets of tags using some of these adorable images  CLICK HERE to see them

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