Pocket N Card for Presents or Lunch Sacks

I love using the little 5.25" by 10.25" brown and white lunch sacks for gifts from my kitchen. I've designed this little pocket to be glued  around the edges, to the lunch sacks.
These are also really cute glued onto wrapped packages, especially those wrapped with plain brown paper.
Here's a cute simple one I created this morning. For the pocket, I recommend using a paper punch where I've put the little circles....gives a frilly-lace look.
This is corrected. The little circles were too difficult to match with the paper punch....

Red Santa pocket n card

Here's you a plain set to add your own
pretty embellishments 

plain green pocket w/card.
print this on the back of your own
pretty scrapbook paper 

I would love it if you sent me pictures of your packages........I appreciate the imagination you all have & enjoy sharing your talent with my readers
Just email  your pictures to 

Here's my Facebook Page

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