Ultrasound Frames for First Christmas

Ultrasound Frames for First Christmas
The Christmas my Daughter and Son-n-law told us there was going to be a new member of the family, they gathered me,my Husband and Cory's parents before any other family members arrived and gave us a little present. We unwrapped our little gifts and inside was a pacifier......goodness-gracious tears of joy and excitement filled the room ! They had been married 10 years and had spent those years getting their educations and starting careers.....we feared there might not be another Grandchild and we only had one other.
That little pacifier has a big red ribbon tied to it and it still hangs on my Christmas tree every year.
Christmas is my "remember" and "memories" time of the year, so I came up with this idea when making the  memory photo frames. I'll take my little pacifier and attach it to my Grandson's along with all the new family arrivals. They will now hang on the tree every year.....nothing brings more joy to the Holidays than children. This really is their first Christmas.......

They read:
" you may not see me this Christmas but I am here with my Mommy
I will be with you next Christmas....and bring joy to all of your Christmases
to come"

Here's this sweet little angel if you would like her.
                                                       I  bought her at a yard sale this Summer. She is an old sachet envelope

If you would like help adding your Ultrasound image
to this frame "like" my Facebook page and send me a message

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Post by Glenda's world.


  1. Glenda, What a keepsake, a reminder of how precious life is and at the time our Loving Savior is being born. Only you would come up with awesome
    idea. You are priceless Dear Friend!

  2. I love these. . Such an exciting time, a miracle for sure.

  3. Glenda, what a clever, cute and memorable idea.
    Thanks thanks thanks
    I didn't see these I until now, but I'm making mine now and hanging them Christmas.....your so talented.
