Pocket Calendars with Pockets

I love pockets.......that's no secret if you've looked at many of my designs.....
I will glue the pocket onto the first page of a new month . I use 28lb paper when I
make my pockets n cards.
Gosh, I hope the New Year has gotten off with a good start for all of you....

I love this jar so..........
I made you note cards to go in your pocket with the clanedar

I want to thank Emily from
for giving us this pretty jar and roses

Matching Journal Cards

The Graphics Fairy


  1. Glenda I get started on your site and I can't stop......I love nearly everything you have created. It is such a delicate touch on each project. Look at your talent going wild, I love it. Keep going girlfriend.

  2. Your designs are all just beautiful and I want to Thank YOU so much for all the pretty things I have downloaded. Your amazing and so is your creations.

  3. Palemoon4
    The kind words of appreciation make it all worthwhile...thank you.I'm SO delighted you download and use my designs.
    Thanks again
