Seed Pak with Your Photo

In this tutorial I will teach you how to add a
photo of your flower to this seed pak.
Let's get started..........

First download the seed pak you want to use.

( Anytime you need an image enlarged click the image)

Now, open the onlin editing program Picmonkey

At the top of the page, click on Design and choose 8X10 canvas

After your canvas has loaded click the box Transparent Canvas
Hit Apply
Your canvas now looks like this
At the left of the screen in the menue bar click
on the little Overlays butterfly
At the top of the Overlays menue click Your Own
Go to the file where you downloaded the seed
pak and click on it
The seed pak now appears on the canvas
With the mouse center the seed pak. Move the mouse
along the frame until you get an arrow. With the arrow,
stretch the seed pak to fit the canvas, or the size you want the pak to be.
Remember, the canvas is 8X10
The canvas and seed pak  now looks like this
Back to the menue bar, cilck Your Own.
We are now going to get your photo
Open the file where your photo is. Click on
the photo you want to use.
Your photo is now on the canvas, but small
With the mouse click on the photo center and stretch
it to fit the frame of the seed pak
At this point you can rotate the photo if you want.
Simply put the mouse on the little
circle you see here, and turn.

When you have the photo over the frame of the seed
pak, RIGHT click the mouse. This menue pops up.
Click Send to the Back.
Magic !!!
The photo is behind the seed pak. With the
mouse you can move the photo, should you
want to.
Save your canvas to a file.

If you would like to print this tutorial I have a green printer
icon at the bottom of the post

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