Plant Winter Up-Date Fern

Late last Summer I wrote in my PLANT JOURNAL about setting my Fox Tail Fern  and other tropical plants in plant saucers filled with aquarium gravel and keeping the saucer filled with water. Here it is mid-January and the fern has never grown this much or looked this healthy, and I've have this fern over 5 years. It's grown more in the months I've kept it on a bed of wet gravel than the 5 years I've had it. I cleaned the birdbath and brought it in for the fern to set in. It does get plenty of  southern light and once a month I add a teaspoon of Epsom Salt to the gravel.

The Fox Tail Fern spent his first Summer in sauce filled with gravel
and watered from the bottom. I want to remind you in the top photo
he was tree years old. Since I've started keeping in a bed of gravel he has 
more than tripled in size. If you have a tropical plant you love and 
keep indoors during the Winter months, please try this method.

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