Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

Spring Universal Journal Calendars


It's no secret I love universal calendars in my journals. I've created several.

I like to add a calendar when a new month begins, adding events or appointments.

This morning's calendars I created for April........Enjoy !

Print landscape

Here's my calendar template
CLICK the image to  download, save & use.


Wanda Bennett said...

These are absolutely beautiful. I'm loving all the new stuff (and all the old stuff as well). I would love to see a cute little envelope or 2 to match the tiny note cards. Have a great week.💜

Glenda's World said...

Good morning Wanda !
I love hearing from you and knowing you've visited my world.
I will enjoy my week & you do the same.
I'll get your envelopes designed today......just for you !