Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

Happy Valentine's Day 2025

Here's wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day 2025 filled with love, happiness chocolate & flowers !

I designed you a Facebook cover GIF, a GIF post & tag with an envelope !

Sweet Facebook Cover

Right-click & save as

Facebook or Instagram post
Right click, save as

Cute tags to give with  your Valentine gift.

CLICK image to download save as & print portrait

Print Landscape

Print Portrait

This adorable vintage Valentine card was compliments
of The Graphics Fairy. You have to visit this site for so many
free elements

CLICK the image

Wishing all a Merry Christmas from our home to yours !

This Christmas season has been a very busy one for me.
We're in the process of finishing a new home. It wouldn't be Christmas without wishing you all an abundance of Merry happiness & good health. I love you all and appreciate each of you so much !
My time to create is desperately limited but here's some sweetness just for you ! 

Share it on your Facebook wall, send it in an email or message. Right click & save.

 Leave me a comment..........I love hearing from you XOXOO

Happy Thanksgiving Card Set

Warm Thanksgiving wishes to all !

It's been so long since I created a design I hope you all have not given up on me.
The situation is.....we've been building a home. I don't have the ability to multitask at this age. So often  I ask myself " can I do this ?" The house is about 75% complete and it seems I might. My husband and I are doing the finishing work ourselves. It's a small home, as it's time to downsize. Our plans were to build a home we could take care of and keep up. The biggest challenge has been its 80 miles from our current home. We put an RV at the building site. Through the week we live in the RV while the house is being built. On the weekends we come home to rest and appreciate not living in an RV.
This year we are grateful for so many blessings we have. 
I hope your blessings are many this year too.


Summer Seafoam Papers

Recently I was creating some note cards. I couldn't find paper in the color I was wanting. I created my own. Sharing my seafoam papers with you......


Choose your download, CLICK the letter

Wedgewood Roses Note Card Set

 This paper I used in designing this note card set, I've had since I started my blog in 2014. I had purchased a stack of papers at a yardsale. I scanned the papers and used them in to create designs. 

I had a request to create an envelope for some of the first note cards I had designed. Rummaging through my files to find this paper I could not resist the urge to create one more design using it.

Enjoy ! 

The paper          

Free printable tags designed  using the paper

Peonie Journal Cards

If you follow my blog you may have noticed Peonies are my favorite Spring flower.
This lovely image from The Graphics Fairy inspires me.

Download, save as & print landscape

Download, save & print portrait

This lovely Peonie is compliments of
The Graphics Fairy

The doily is mine.
CLICK the image to download & save 

Leave me a comment, I love hearing from you !

Spring Universal Journal Calendars


It's no secret I love universal calendars in my journals. I've created several.

I like to add a calendar when a new month begins, adding events or appointments.

This morning's calendars I created for April........Enjoy !

Print landscape

Here's my calendar template
CLICK the image to  download, save & use.

Easter Designs of 2024

Wishing all a blessed & Happy Easter

Tiny Easter Note Cards & Envelopes
Print Landscape on card stock

Print landscape on plain paper

Lovely Easter Tags & a sleeve

Bunny Puzzle Cards
Print landscape

 Easter banners are so pretty on a mantel, a serving table or doorway.
Here's a lovely one.

Download save as & print landscape for 6 1/4" by 5 1/2" flags
Print portrait for 5" by 4 1/2" flags

Leave me a comment, 
I love hearing from you !

Cardinal Journal Cards

 This morning I was looking out my patio door and watched a Cardinal at the birdbath. He was the most delightful sight to watch. We  vision Cardinals during the cold of Winter with a backdrop of snow but they are as lovely in the Spring.  I found this lovely image graciously shared by 

The Graphics Fairy as inspiration for today's journal card design.

Enjoy !

The original Cardinal image from
The Graphics Fairy