Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

Valentine Elements

Angel stamps
(CLICK image to save)

(CLICK image to save)

Candy hearts

 (CLICK image to save)
(CLICK image to save)

(CLICK image to save)

(CLICK image to save)

A post mark
(CLICK image to save)

Love note paper
Love note paper

A piece of red striped paper with lace

Love word art

(CLICK image to save )

Two hearts

(CLICK image to save )

8" X 10" Sheet of Double hearts


Little bird frames
(CLICK to save)

(CLICK to save)

Bouquet of roses
(CLICK to save)

Cherub with horn
(CLICK to save)

A box of chocolates
(CLICK to save)

A teddy bear

 I couldn't resist using THE GRAPHICS FAIRY'S 
deer one more time in a design........so...here's you a postcard of mine
in three colors........

(Click the image to Print)

My lovebirds stamp

(CLICK to save)

Here are some Valentine Fonts you can download.
Click the font.

Pink lace-cut-out frame
I've given it to you in two styles , solid and cut-out

(CLICK to save)

This is my burlap on red polka-dot frame. I've used it on several designs.
I love it !.......enjoy it ! 

Cute postman graphic 
CLICK image to

This was one of those ideas I had in the wee hours of the morning 
when I wouldn't' sleep.......but isn't it pretty I took buttons from anything and everything I 
could find

Here's a sheet of hearts I collected from all kinds of places..........

Here are some red frames for scrapbooking, card making or crafts
( CLICK the image to save )

 ( CLICK the image to save )
( CLICK the image to save )


Unknown said...

I can't seem to print your deer Valentine postcards. Possible to link via PDF?

Glenda's World said...

I'm sure sorry, Heather.
I think I have that fixed. Click on the post card to print a sheet of 4.
Thank you so much for calling this to my attention.
Happy New Year to ya !