Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

Sunflower Tri-Fold Stationery

As Summer comes to an end the lovely Sunflowers always show their lovely faces to remind us Winter is coming and the birds will appreciate us sharing our Sunflower seeds with them when the days are cold and snow falls.

I designed this lovely Tri-Fold Stationery for you this morning as I look out my kitchen window and see my neighbor's Sunflowers standing tall above the fence.

CLICK  the image to save as, download & print portrait

I want to thank the Graphics Fairy for generously sharing this lovely Sunflower image with us.


Phyllis Allen said...

This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.

The Primitive Moon said...

Przepiękne grafiki, dziękuję 😘

Nancy Bee said...

Oh, my goodness, this is so pretty! Sunflowers always remind me of my favourite grandad ... he was over six feet tall and the sunflowers he grew towered above him and had stems like three trunks. I never did find out his secret! ;) Thank you for sharing this lovely creation.

Glenda's World said...

Phyllis, thank you and you are very welcome, Enjoy !

Glenda's World said...

The Primitive Moon,
Jesteś bardzo mile widziany i dziękuję.

Glenda's World said...

Nancy Bee,
What a sweet story. I'm delighted my design brought sweet memories and you shared them with me.