Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

Elegant Victorian Calling Cards

 I've not created a post since mid August. I was plagued with shingles. Oh, my, goodness, If you have not gotten your shingles vaccine, PLEASE DO ! I've never experienced pain and agony like what I have been through since August. The first 10 weeks I was in so much pain I thought I would die. I have to be honest, I was so tired and worn out I had times I wish I would. I'm going into my third month with nerve pain  and tiredness that limits so many activities. I learned there's not a lot of support from the medical community. I refused to take opioids and as we all know, Acetaminophen  really is not a strong pain reliever. If you do get shingles I recommend joining a support group on Facebook or your choice of social media for advice & remedies. 

Leaving my troubles behind.....a few months ago I found these lovely vintage postcards on Pinterest. Their beauty  captivated me. They were not linked to a web page so I have no way of giving credit to whoever pinned them. This morning I was going through some of my files and realized what lovely calling cards they would make. I'm sharing them with you two ways, individually ( 1050 x 600 pixels) to create your own designs and in a sheet with all eight designs to print.

Enjoy !

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