Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

Lace & Roses Journal Cards

I designed this set of journal cards 10 years ago. 
Yesterday I was browsing Pinterest & discovered they had been used to lead to someone else's board, totally unrelated to my designs. Somehow the original post was deleted. I was able to track them down on my Facebook page, recreate them & bring them back. I felt they were too lovely to be lost in time.
Enjoy !

CLICK the image to download, save & print landscape

CLICK the image to download, save & print portrait

Per request, here is some small stationary & matching envelope using this design

Print portrait


Wanda Bennett said...

These would be great as small stationary, just add an envelope for both sizes. I love your blog and designs.

Glenda's World said...

Thank you. It's always such a delight seeing your name for downloads.
It means a lot to me you use my designs.
I will create some envelopes, just for you. I'll let you know here after I've posted them.
Take care

Glenda's World said...

Wanda Bennett,
here's your stationary with matching envelope.
Enjoy !

Wanda Bennett said...

Thank you, I can't wait to start using them. They are beautiful.

Glenda's World said...

you're so welcome. Through 3 computer crashes I've lost the original paper & lace doily I used in the design. I had obtained the rose again.
Thank you and always a delight to hear from you.